
A deftly written look into what is unquestionably one of the both most troubled and most beautiful and complex countries on earth.

Best-Selling American author Dustybear  weaves a grippingly and highly readable story of the country as seen from both without and within. With a lot of help from his friends in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, you get more than a glimpse of the country viewed through multiple perspectives and from vantage points rarely seen in the west.

This book attempts to bring for perhaps the first time an intensely informative look at Afghanistan, but told in a style that conveys not only facts but is tinged with good humor as well.

There is little about Afghanistan that is simple, BUT...
there is no denying that it remains a defiantly proud and determined country. Proud of its heritage and accomplishments, and determined to move forward and get beyond the ravages of war and decades of strife and division that have ripped the country to shreds for so long.

"I love Afghanistan. I love its SPIRIT, AND its people," Dusty says...often and to anyone who will listen. "They deserve the admiration and respect of all of us for enduring what they have gone through.

From foreign intervention to internal divisions and more, Afghanistan is still standing. Damaged to be sure, but still standing and hopeful for what is to come next."

And, what is to come next? Dusty thinks you will agree. 

As Dusty says...

"I think that Afghanistan is at a crossroads point in its history. It could easily slip back into chaos and bloodshed...OR it could pick itself up by its bootstraps (with help from the United States, the UK, and others), and move forward into a bright & engaging future. But which will the country choose? OR will the future be chosen for it once again? Who knows. BUT, along with our friend...Afghan Combat Journalist Mustafa Kazemi, I will do ANYTHING & EVERYTHING in my power to help bring Afghanistan to a bright new day, and to bring clarity and vision to those who still know little about this important region  of the world.  

'AFGHANISTAN NEEDS FRIENDS. & SO DOES the Middle East,' says the author. 'It is to our MUTUAL begin to build the bridges between those in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the region...AND America.'"

Thus, begins the tale of a country...
with hope faintly visible at the fringes of the future.


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